Tuesday 8 September 2009

Naaldzang, September 1st 2009

Naaldzang September 1st 2009

Last week was the September meeting of Naaldzang! I had two finished projects to bring along with me this time, my knitted Bunny and sparkly black neckwarmer. Both are birthday presents for friends of mine in the States (and both were mailed off as of Friday). :D

Jan was already knitting away on a soft white cotton cap for charity when I arrived, and not long after I got comfortable Poezemadam and R showed up! It was especially lovely to see them as they didn't get to come to last month's meeting. Alas, this time around it was RedSamur who was not able to make it, and we did miss her greatly! I was reminded of her when I noticed Poezemadm was knitting Continental style instead of her usual English style--and she informed me that she prefers Continental when using circular needles. :)

Naaldzang September 1st 2009

As Jan was knitting on his cap, I worked on my blue neckwarmer, which is to be a birthday present for my sister Sarah. Poezemadam brought along her ever-growing Float Stole, which is going to be gorgeous! R had with her a summer pullover that was coming along quite nicely in pretty, cheerful yarn.

It was fun to chat and knit (with R also crocheting a bit) with one another, and several people (seems like more than usual!) stopped to say hello to us and inquire about what we were doing. Many say they used to knit, but no more. We invited them to come knit along with us if they ever decide to once again pick up the needles. It would be fantastic to see more folks coming to enjoy knitting again! Or if they don't knit at all, perhaps seeing our group might spark an interest in knitting. I think we would all be quite tickled about that! ;)

Naaldzang September 1st 2009

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